ホーム > 畜産 > 畜産の情報 > 乳用牛の生産寿命を延ばす初産時の管理重要ポイント
1. Brickell, J. S. and Wathes, D. C. 2011. A descriptive study of the survival of Holstein-Friesian heifers through to third calving on English dairy farms. J. Dairy Sci. 94: 1831-1838.
2. Dechow, C. D. and Goodling, R. C. 2008. Mortality, culling by sixty days in milk, and production profiles in high- and low-survival Pennsylvania herds. J. Dairy Sci. 91: 4630-4639.
3. Ettema, J. F. and Santos, J. E. 2004. Impact of age at calving on lactation, reproduction, health, and income in first-parity Holsteins on commercial farms. J. Dairy Sci. 87: 2730-2742.
4. Froidmont, E., Mayeres, P., Picron, P., Turlot, A., Planchon, V. and Stilmant, D. 2013. Association between age at first calving, year and season of first calving and milk production in Holstein cows. Animal. 7: 665-672.
5. Haworth, G. M., Tranter, W. P., Chuck, J. N., Cheng, Z. and Wathes, D. C. 2008. Relationships between age at first calving and first lactation milk yield, and lifetime productivity and longevity in dairy cows. Vet. Rec. 162: 643-647.
6. 一般社団法人家畜改良事業団. 乳用牛群能力検定成績速報 平成28年度.
7. 一般社団法人家畜改良事業団. 牛群平均情報平成30年2月.
8. 中田健 2012. 初回分娩月齢とその後の生産性は関係があるのか?. 産業動物臨床医学雑誌. 3: 147 -155.
9. Nilforooshan, M. A. and Edriss, M. A. 2004. Effect of age at first calving on some productive and longevity traits in Iranian Holsteins of the Isfahan province. J. Dairy Sci. 87: 2130-2135.
10. Pirlo, G., Miglior, F. and Speroni, M. 2000. Effect of age at first calving on production traits and on difference between milk yield returns and rearing costs in Italian Holsteins. J. Dairy Sci. 83: 603-608.
11. Sewalem, A., Miglior, F., Kistemaker, G. J., Sullivan, P. and Van Doormaal, B. J. 2008. Relationship between reproduction traits and functional longevity in canadian dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 91: 1660-1668.
12. Simerl, N. A., Wilcox, C. J., Thatcher, W. W. and Martin, F. G. 1991. Prepartum and peripartum reproductive performance of dairy heifers freshening at young ages. J. Dairy Sci. 74: 1724-1729.
13. Tsuruta, S., Misztal, I. and Lawlor, T. J. 2005. Changing definition of productive life in US Holsteins: effect on genetic correlations. J. Dairy Sci. 88: 1156-1165.
14. DHI Glossary.